Wednesday, 7 May 2014



Before we move into this topic on Was couching outdated, We must first look into what kind of workforce we have now. We are talking about The Y generation. The generation are moving into our workforce, and soon to be manager level Which I Believe lots of articles had write about their Mentality, Personality, Behaviors, Needs and what there want.

So,!! What didn’t Gen Y Want?
They want Freedom, Acceptance, Appreciation, Acknowledgement, Work & Life Balance, Easy Income with Less workload and more.

What make them having this Mentality?
Why do they have all these mentality? Don’t they know they can’t get all these easily? Do they actually know How many successful Bosses (we skip the Top 10 Riches List) are actually work more than 14 Hours? Have you seen them selfie while eating, having business lunch or dinner? Shopping? or even at home or on the bed? And how many of them are really spent their times in FB, Cinema, Laying at home watching T.V?

How bosses Success??
For them to success, they work super hard, which not you and me just can’t imagine.
For them, an 8 hours job. Those 8 hours is never enough for them!!  To gain the title Success!!, They need more time!    Effort!     Idea!     Clear Vision!!  And for them, every failure, Criticism, Restraint. It’s straightly not an Excuse for them to raise a white flag on what they have work for.

Success Peoples will not Raise White Flag easilly!!

How coaching works?
The older generation, they will remember their mentor advise theirs ways of coaching.
·         Coaching is NOT Telling or Giving the answer Directly But is a way of asking question.
·         Coaching is NOT Work Related but is the development of the staff.
·         Coaching is NOT Assume the case but is active listen to the staff.
·         Coaching is NOT Follow Instruction blindly but Leading them with a structure way.
·         Coaching is NOT “Ok! I think you get the answer” but it’s a re-summary on the outcome to ensure they really understand.

Why I Believe that the coaching is outdate?
Let’s Get the answer using the coaching method.
·         Do you think the Gen Y able to be patient enough to Listen actively and why?
·         Tell me! if the Gen Y are social oriented in person or in Social website?
·         Are the Gen Y will find out the process of getting the answer or its just answer they focus on?
·         Are them patient enough to being guide with structure ways or more on let’s get it done?

It’s just and personal opinion.

Thanks for reading.

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