Monday, 25 August 2014


Kursus Pengendali Makanan A.K.A Food Handler Course was an mandatory training for all food handlers in Malaysia.

We provided this training  and Certified as one of the training centre by MOH (Ministry Of Health)

This is How our certificate looks like.

Yes, We do conduct in Mandarin or Cantonese if you need so.

One of our supported Hotel to ensure their staff are all trained.

We have our Class on Every Monday to Wednesday. We Train Even small group.

Our train with full equipments.  Saw the safety Hat?

Always an group photo for record and memory

Our Flyers and details of This training

This are the rules that all Food Handlers should followed.

We have Bahasa Malaysia Version as well.

Assessment time.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Food Handler Course Training / kursus Pengendali Makanan

It has been a few weeks busy from inquiries the statues of my Certification as certified SLPM (Sekolah Latihan Pengendali Makanan).

Was so Happy When I get to Know my Training Centre was finally Granted the certification, But the sadly after 3 weeks, My original certificate was not being received yet. When I check, I understand that my cert was sent to somewhere else and had being rejected back to PutraJaya. What a weeks. 

Lucky the JKN (Jabatan Kesihantan Negeri) was helpful enough and allowed me to start the class even with the copy of certificate. With that access, I’m started to Design my Poster, Flyers, Banner, Out Source the printing company and etc. 

Being a certified SLPM, There’s lots of documentation need to be done from time to time basis, and finally had completely understand the overall flow of the process.
With my condition (I dislocate my knee 1 month ago) that are not able to walk without limping, Thanks to my family was so supportive in Helping me distributing the flyers, and assists in maintaining the training centre.

And today (05.08.2014) 

Finally things are almost done. The first session shall commerce tomorrow. 

Wish me luck and all the best to myself.

Bahasa Version of the Flyers

English Version

The 2009 Food Hygiene Rules

And YES!! I conduct Every Monday to Wednesday

And today (05.08.2014) 

Finally things are almost done. The first session shall commerce tomorrow. 

Wish me luck and all the best to myself.