Monday, 21 September 2015

Kursus Latihan Pengendali Makanan., Food Handlers Training , 大马食物管理员课程。

Kursus Latihan Pengendali Makanan.
Kursus ini adalah untuk semua warga Malaysia. Kursus ini akan membantu anda menambah pengetahuan mengenai Keselamatan Makanan, Keracunan Makanan dan Cara-cara mengendalikan makanan secara selamat.

Dengan mempunyai sijil kursus ini, anda boleh menceburi dalam bidang minuman dan makanan. Sijil ini adalah diiktiraf Oleh Kementerian Keselamatan Makanan. Buat Masa kini, Sijil adalah Seumur Hidup.

Fii Kursus : RM50 Seorang
Tarikh Kursus : Bila- bila masa jika ada 2 peserta keatas.
Bahasa Kursus: Bahasa Malaysia, English, CIna dan Cantonese (Pilih Satu)
Kebaikan Sijil Kursus:
- Kurangkan Keracunan makanan
- Lebih Senang Mendapat Kerja di Bidang Minuman dan makanan (Termasuk kerja sambilan / Latihan Practikal)
- Menambah Pengetahuan

Kami Mengalu-alukan Semua (yang berumur16-100) yang berminat untuk kursus ini mendaftar.
Nombor Tel :012-5853964
Food Handlers Training
This training is open for all Malaysians. This training is to increase and create awareness on food safety, food poisoning and ways of practicing serve safe.

With this certification, You are now able to Involve yourself in Food & Beverage Industrial. This Certification was accredited by Ministry of Health and its valid of life at time being.

Training Fees : RM50 Per Person
Training Date: Anytime as long you have 2 person or more
Language : Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mandarin, Cantonese (Select 1)
Benefit of this certification :
- Reduce Food Poisoning Case
- Added Advantages in searching jobs or career at Food * Beverage industrial (Including Part time / Industrial Training)
- Enhance your Knowledge

We Welcome all Whom (aged 16-100) to register this program with us.
Phone Number : 012-5853964
这课程是开放给所有人, 这课程可以让大家深一步的了解食物安全,食物中毒关键性,良好食物处理方法。

课程费用: 五十零吉一个人。
开课日期: 只要有两位以上,我们就开班。
课程时间: 3.5个小时。
课程语言: 马来文,英文,华语,廣东话。(认选一个)
- 減少食物中毒
- 容易找长工或短期工(饮食业)
- 自我提升
- 了解市面清洁成度。

我们欢迎所有(16岁- 100岁) 对课程有兴趣者报名参加。
电话号码: 012-5853964

#大马食物管理员课程 #大马课程  #大马食物管理 #食物管理员课程 #食物管理 #大马 #kursus #latihan #makanan #kursuslatihanpengendalimakanan #aks #raymondho #kkm #mbi #kl #malaysia #lpm #slpm #food #hotel #beverage #safety #training
 #食物 #课程
The Certificate

Participants IN Training


Kolej Komuniti Participants

Genting Highland Participants

Genting Highland Participants

Register your Premises Now

Raymond Ho

Participants from Keris College

Friday, 18 September 2015


Our 2015 ‪#‎kursus‬ ‪#‎latihan‬ ‪#‎pengendali‬ ‪#‎makanan‬ is out now. Plans and make your booking. If you want us to conduct at your place? Contact us directly for term and condition.

我们2015年的大马#卫生部 ‪#‎食物‬ ‪#‎卫生‬ ‪#‎课程‬。 马上规划和联络我们。 如果需要我们在您的地方教课,请联络我们。

Jadual Kursus latihan pengendali makanan 2015 telah keluar. Buat perancangan dan hubungi kami untuk pendaftaraan. Sekira mahu kami menadakan kursus ini di kawasan anda? Sila hubungi kami juga.

Kursus Latihan Pengendali Makanan DI KL

Mark your date for food handler training in KL.
Call us for reservation.

Simpankan tarikh - tarikh kursus latihan pengendali makanan yang akan diadakan dekat Kuala Lumpur.
Hubungi kami untuk pendaftaran.

把我们食物卫生课程日期收藏起来。 我们将在吉隆坡开课。

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Kursus Latihan Pengendali Makanan, Food Handlers Training, 大马食物管理人员课程

This is an mandatory program for all food handler whom:-
• Preparing food & beverage
• Serving food & beverage
• Storing food & beverage
• Food manufacturing
• Beverage manufacturing
and many more...Fine of rm10,000.00 or 2 years jail or both together will be given if Failure of being certified.
So, Call us at 012 - 5853964 to avoid it.

Kursus latihan pengendali makanan adalah wajib untuk semua pengendali makanan yang:-
• Menyediakan Makanan dan minuman
• Menghidang Makanan dan minuman
• Menyimpan Makanan
• Kilang process makanan
• Kilang pembuat makanan
• dan lain - lain

Elakan Saman rm10,000.00 atau 2 tahun penjara atau kedua-dua sekali.Hubungi kami pada 012 - 5853964

大马2009 食物卫生条例 "大马食物卫生课程"是一个所有凡跟饮食有关的人士都必上的课程。包括:
- 小贩,酒店,饭店,咖啡馆,食物处理工厂,餐馆,餐厅,小食中心 等等。

避免被罚款Rm10,000.00 或 俩年监狱 或倆者兼施。
大马食物管卫生程联络我们 : 012 - 5853964


Function room for rent.


Function room for rent.
Suitable for meeting, discussion, group work, tuition or short course.
Location at Station18, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia ( Opposite AEON Mall Station 18)

適合 开检讨会, 开会,补习 或 短期課程。
地点在上环18,怡保,霹雳,马来西亚 (AEON Mall 上环18对面)

Bilik function untuk disewa.
Sesuai untuk mesyuarat, berbincangan, kursus jangka pendek, kelas tuition.
Lokasi di Station 18, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
(Depan Pasaraya AEON Station 18)

A great sharing about emergenetics with Olympia students. Thanks for the photo. Hope everyone enjoy the session.

A great sharing about emergenetics with Olympia students. Thanks for the photo. Hope everyone enjoy the session.

Friday, 31 July 2015

The Trainer - Raymond Ho

Raymond Ho Swee Hau or Raymond Ho

A Trainer that Specializing in Hotel, Resort and Food &Beverage Industry.
He Had been working with world Class Hotels & Company Which than Give him the Knowledge and Skills.
With all the Knowledge and skills he have now, He Share his Expertise to everyone whom need it by Setting up a Training Company Called A.K.S Training Centre.

Lots of people was wondering the name "A.K.S" which noting really revelent to His Name, Product or whatsoever. SO, When we Ask, He Smile and said " My Tag Line is Get it Right!, Learn it Right and Do it Right"

Which is
A for Attitude " Get It Right"
K for Knowledge " Learn It Right"
S for Skill " Do it Right"

He give an Example of Adult Learning nows a days. When you are ask to attend a training What is in your mind?
Do you survey the Trainer Profile Before you come to the training Hall?
Do you Really Want to Learn or its just because of KPI or Instruction?
Do you Open your Heart to Learn from the Trainer?
Do you Survey the Topic that's the Trainer gonna Share in advance?

NOW!! All these are ATTITUDE!!
You learnd nothing if you come to a training hall with all the Ignoring signal and you will learn very little if you dont  set your attitude right. and Thats is why He put an "A" with a start of his company name.

OK!! Now we know he put the Attitude in Top Priority but what next? 

Yeah!! Some of you Might Get it! Its "KNOWLEDGE"
He Said! Having the Right Attitude doesn't make you Wise, But Its Knowledge. I always believe, No One is 100% Correct including me. But, you must always focus and do some research about the topic given by the trainer. Not just agree 100%. blindly.

When I was young, A Student Trainees Come to me with a Prune a type of soft skin fruit. And She ask! Sir!! What is This? Than I told Her, Oh!! Its a Malaysia Apple! Very hard to get.( I'm  just being Naughty by that time"
That poor girl believing me 100 % untill she ask our purchasing staff for the real name of the fruits as she wanted to buy it.Well!! She was angry of me on making fun to her after that.

What will actually happen if a trainer told you an information and you just share all around without recheck it? Whats the damage for you and your company?

And that is why, A good Trainer with skills and knowledge does not come cheap. Its Just simple because the research they had done, the investment they put in to ensure the topic they deliver is accurate and of course. You lose nothing if you recheck the information. Its Help to build into your memory.

Lastly The SKILL,  Perfect Practice make Perfect. So, his tag line is "Do it Right!!"
Rechecking the Trainer course content makes you "practice in the mind" which this information or knowledge will stay a long time in your mind.
Others that rechecking the content what practice we can do?? Well!!! Its easy!! Share with Others and Trainer Others!! the more you Trainer, Its Benefit your Subordinate and also its help you master the topic.

So all!! Lets share the information or training you gain.

Group photo of Keris Students With The Trainer Raymond Ho

Group Photo After the LPM Training

Our Trainer "Raymond Ho" Is giving free talk to The Schools AS well.

When he is a In-house Trainer Specializing in F&B Training

Raymond Ho - Emergenetics Certified Associate

Raymond Ho with Emergenetics Founder Dr Geil Browning
When he is a In-house Trainer Specializing in F&B Training

A Photo After Certified TTT for Butler Service


AKS TRAINING CENTRE: Emergenetics MOTM Workshop

AKS TRAINING CENTRE: Emergenetics MOTM Workshop: Our Group Photo We had our MOTM Workshop for NGO Called GenY, Kiwanis Bandaraya Ipoh and Down Syndrome Ipoh on 10 May 2015. This Works...

Emergenetics MOTM Workshop

Our Group Photo

We had our MOTM Workshop for NGO Called GenY, Kiwanis Bandaraya Ipoh and Down Syndrome Ipoh on 10 May 2015.

This Workshop was Subsidies By Kiwanis Bandaraya Ipoh for Benefit of Development the Youth In GenY, Ipoh Down Syndrome and Not to be Mention Kiwanis it Self as well.

This Workshop was specifically focus on the GenY youth on understanding their own Thing & Behavioral Preferences and how this will help them regardless personal, studying, or running the GenY EQ Leadership Camp.

 About the Emergenetics,
The Emergenetics Profile was develop to distinctly measure how people think and behave.

Emergenetics Enhances personal power, builds understanding, facilitates communication and improves performance.

The Participants Doing One of the Emergenetics MOTM Workshop Activities.

EHmm.. Activities + Yoga Post!! Interesting right?

From the Left: Mr Steven, Ms Ann, Ms Mabel, Ms Sangeeta and The Trainer Raymond Ho

The Participants is Enjoying the Others group "Works" given By The Trainer

Staying Focus On the Introduction of Emergenetics

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

AKS TRAINING CENTRE: Have you Register your Premises with Ministry of H...

AKS TRAINING CENTRE: Have you Register your Premises with Ministry of H...: Do you know that? Its a must to register your restaurant, cafe or food operators with MOH. If you havent register. Please register ASAP to ...

Have you Register your Premises with Ministry of Health Malaysia?

Do you know that? Its a must to register your restaurant, cafe or food operators with MOH. If you havent register. Please register ASAP to avoid Fine. Btw. Its free.

Click the link below to register now.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

AKS TRAINING CENTRE: 马来西亚卫生部食物管理课程, Kursus Latihan Pengendali Makanan, ...

AKS TRAINING CENTRE: 马来西亚卫生部食物管理课程, Kursus Latihan Pengendali Makanan, ...: 马来西亚卫生部食物管理课 程 ·          每人收费 50 令 吉 ·          业者终身只需上一次 3 小时食物管理课 程 ·          卫生部在 2009 年立下条例,规定全国食肆业者必须报读食物管理课程,违规者将会被罚款不超过 1 万令吉及...

Sunday, 11 January 2015

马来西亚卫生部食物管理课程, Kursus Latihan Pengendali Makanan, Food Handler Course

  • 马来西亚卫生部食物管理课
  • ·         每人收费50
  • ·         业者终身只需上一次3小时食物管理课
  • ·         卫生部在2009年立下条例,规定全国食肆业者必须报读食物管理课程,违规者将会被罚款不超过1万令吉及监禁不超过2。 
  • 联络我们:012-5853964

  • Kursus Wajib Latihan Pengendalian Makanan 
  •  Rm 50 Seorang 
  •  Kursus 3 jam dan Sijil Kursus sah untuk seumur hidup
  • Kursus ini diwajibkan kepada semua pengendali makanan di bawah Akta Makanan 1983 dan Peraturan Kebersihan Makanan 2009.  Kegagalan mematuhi peraturan tersebut akan dikenakan: Denda tidak melebihi RM10,000.00 atau dipenjarakan tidak melebihi dua(2) tahun  
  • Hubungi Kami : 012-5853964 

Kursus LPM Untuk Genting Highlands 食物管理课程在云顶

Kursus LPM Untuk Genting Highlands 食物管理课程在云顶

Kursus LPM Untuk MichalAngelo's Pizzarie 食物管理课程在MichalAngelo's Pizzarie

Kursus LPM Untuk Genting Highlands 食物管理课程在云顶

Kursus LPM Untuk Genting Highlands 食物管理课程在云顶

Kursus LPM Untuk Public di AKS Training Centre 共众食物管理课程在AKS培训中心

Kursus LPM Untuk Public di AKS Training Centre 共众食物管理课程在AKS培训中心